Not a ton going on here other than baby snuggles and laundry, but spring has arrived (finally...although one must be cautious about making such a declaration, in Michigan!) and that means getting a lot more outside time!
We're planning to plant the garden this weekend. To me it seems terribly late to be starting a garden, but we've had freezing temperatures at night several times in the last week, so better to be safe than sorry! I hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew, but I'm planning to plant:
Tomatoes (big and cherries)
Possibly corn
Salad (spinach, lettuce, kale)
AND flowers
I have a feeling I'll be spending vast amounts of my time watering. Thankfully we get rain relatively frequently, even in summer, and also, I picked up a couple soaker hoses at Costco when they were on sale. Hopefully that will make the job easier!
Sam has mowed the yard a couple of times. I think he is really regretting that I fertilized the yard because it is growing like crazy. After one pass across the yard he has to empty the catcher, so it's a lot of start and stop.
It's garage sale season! I found a website that lists all the community yard sales for the summer, which is definitely a goldmine. There are lots of housing developments and communities around here, and when they all have garage sales at the same time, it's nice to take the stroller and just walk around the neighborhoods. Interestingly, a lot of them happen during weekdays, rather than weekends.
I've switched to using cloth diapers and I love them. Disposable diapers made me feel like I was literally throwing my money away. I mean, I could SEE the money I was throwing away every time I carried a bag of dirty diapers to the garbage! Cloth diapers are the best, people. This kid was producing a blowout poop every single day (sorry if that's TMI), and hasn't had an explosion since we started using cloth. I'm a fan!
Finally, I went for a jog yesterday for the first time in... well, nine or ten months. Yeesh. Suffice it to say, I am super out of shape. When I got up in the night with T my legs were aching like crazy! But it sure is nice to get out in the fresh air. T's chubby little cheeks jiggle and bounce in the stroller and it cracks me up. I have the most gorgeous trail that I love to go to for walks or jogs, and I often see cardinals, rabbits, and wild turkeys.
And finally, although I have no idea why I'm admitting this, I've been hallucinating baby cries pretty much any time T is asleep. When I take a shower I swear I can hear him screaming his head off (hardly ever the case). When he's napping, I'm constantly stopping what I'm doing because I am positive I can hear him whimpering. But the really scary one was when I heard him crying in the bedroom.
When I was holding him.
Sound asleep.
In the living room.
I'm just going to blame this on sleep deprivation.
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